Willemstad, Curaçao – May 31, 2024 – Lions Dive Beach Resort proudly announces that it has earned the prestigious Green Key certificate for the second time. This award confirms the resort as a leader in sustainable tourism and underscores its commitment to environmentally friendly and sustainable operations.
The Green Key certificate is awarded after a thorough assessment process. Resorts must meet two types of criteria: imperative criteria, which all must be met, and guidelines, of which 5% more must be met each year. This encourages continuous improvement and innovation in sustainability measures.
This year, LionsDive Beach Resort has taken extra steps to expand its sustainability initiatives. Guests who offset the carbon emissions from their flight receive a $50 resort credit per person. Additionally, the resort earned extra points for including a sustainability section in the feedback form guests receive after their stay. This section asks guests for their opinions on the current sustainability initiatives and provides valuable feedback for further improvements.
LionsDive Beach Resort continually looks for ways to improve its sustainability performance. Although no points have been awarded for it yet this year, the resort plans to install electric charging stations on the premises in the near future. This will not only contribute to reducing CO2 emissions but also meet the growing demand for electric vehicle charging options.